Pivotree Blog

Deep-dive into the world of Commerce, Data Management and Supply Chain Management with Pivotree insights and analysis

Bridge Solutions Group Achieves 5x Faster Data Transfer Speeds With IBM’s Aspera

Bridge Solutions Group Achieves 5x Faster Data Transfer Speeds With IBM’s Aspera

Transfer 100GB files in minutes, not hours.   May 14, 2014 (PRWEB) - Imagine sending a 10GB file across the US in 1.4 minutes, or a 100GB file from the US to Asia in 14 minutes. That is ...
Top 5 consumer priorities for omni-channel retail

Top 5 consumer priorities for omni-channel retail

  Top 5 consumer priorities for omni-channel retail: (more…)
Top 5 symptoms of data dysfunction

Top 5 symptoms of data dysfunction

Based on our experience working with some of the world’s largest companies and most well-respected brands, here are the top 5 symptoms of data dysfunction:  Flash drives, hard drives, DVDs, ...
SaaS vs Customizable E-Commerce Platform

SaaS vs Customizable E-Commerce Platform

When you are picking an enterprise-level eCommerce solution you have two major choices: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or a customizable Platform. Each has several pros and cons. And there may be ...
Top 4 Reasons to Visit Booth S-4 at the IBM Smarter Commerce Summit

Top 4 Reasons to Visit Booth S-4 at the IBM Smarter Commerce Summit

May 12-15 we’ll be at the IBM Smarter Commerce Summit and we hope you’ll join us for our... (more…)
See you at the RVCF Spring Conference 2014

See you at the RVCF Spring Conference 2014

May 5-7, 2014 (more…)

How to Fix HttpOnly Vulnerability in Oracle Commerce Applications

This is a guest post written by Ben Carlson, the Director of Managed Services at Amplifi Commerce. Spark::red Team would like to thank  Ben for sharing this valuable information with our ...

WebSphere vs Hybris vs ATG vs Intershop vs Venda vs Magento vs Demandware Largest Clients (Europe)

In this post, you will find a list of the biggest eCommerce companies that use the top 6 most popular eCommerce platforms among the IR Top 500 European eRetailers. You might also like '2014 ...
Are you prepared for omni-channel retailing?

Are you prepared for omni-channel retailing?

With all the big-name retailers now offering some version of: •  Ship to home and return in-store •  Order online and pickup  in-store •  Store-based online inventory availability If ...
Is FTP really free? 3 reasons it’s not

Is FTP really free? 3 reasons it’s not

While File Transfer Protocol (FTP) may be a straightforward way to transfer files to and from remote platforms, but the more data you send the more likely you are to experience the high hidden ...
Bridge Solutions Group, an IBM Premier Business Partner, joins RVCF

Bridge Solutions Group, an IBM Premier Business Partner, joins RVCF

Princeton, NJ (PRWEB) October 28, 2013    Bridge is a sponsor of the upcoming RVCF Annual Fall Conference event in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Doug Brochu, CEO/Co-Founder, will be ...
You want to enable your Customers – IBM Sterling Call Center will help!

You want to enable your Customers – IBM Sterling Call Center will help!

Many retailers spend a lot of time (and money) actively engaging their customers via ads, promotions, and physical store design, but still end up falling short when their customer calls into ...