While File Transfer Protocol (FTP) may be a straightforward way to transfer files to and from remote platforms, but the more data you send the more likely you are to experience the high hidden costs of FTP.


1. FTP file transfers have a high failure rate
The more you send the greater the probability of failure, and FTP doesn’t provide for recovery from network failures. How many hours are your employees spending in following up and resending failed file transfers? Have you ever missed a service agreement as a result?


2. Data delivery cannot be prioritized

Is delivery of your critical files being negatively impacted by bulk data transfers of low to moderate importance?


3. Inability to enforce security policies

Security violations are not logged in FTP. What risks would your business face if your data was compromised? Lost customers? Bad press? Loss of trust in the marketplace?

How can you mitigate the risks inherent in FTP? Take a look at the whitepaper below, and contact Bridge Solutions Group about a managed file transfer solution.

FTP is free but can you really afford it

FTP is free but can you really afford it