The Pivotree Leaf

A Quarterly Resource For All Pivotree Clients

FALL 2022

Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Pivotree Leaf – a quarterly newsletter designed to keep you informed and updated as we navigate a frictionless commerce future together. Discover our services. Learn more about the industry. Find out about upcoming events. We hope you’ll ‘leaf’ through this first issue and, as always, let us know how we can help serve you better.


Ready For The Holidays?

Shoppers don’t have time for hassles this holiday season. They want you to make it easy. Find out how you can deliver frictionless commerce with the new Ultimate Holiday Prep Guide.

It’s a free resource packed with tips on:

  • Managing your supply chain
  • Must-have commerce experiences
  • Site stability and security
  • And more!

The clock’s ticking. But there’s time to make this the most frictionless holiday ever.

Here’s a direct link to your free copy of the 2022 Ultimate Holiday Prep Guide.

Drive Towards Frictionless With Commerce as a Service 

Economic recessions tend to scare companies into pulling the handbrake on spending and capital investment. But what if you can keep going by continuing to invest while others are at a standstill? Or better yet, zoom past the competition by adapting the latest technology driving frictionless commerce? 

Pivotree provides the way forward with Commerce as a Service (Caas). Low, predictable, and scalable monthly costing shatters the massive capital investment boulder blocking the road to digital transformation. 

A New and SaaS-y WMS

Has your warehouse solution kept pace with your growing business operations? Built for the future, our proprietary WMS eliminates friction by reducing costs and improving operational efficiency. Sophisticated yet simple to use, the platform features a robust cloud architecture with integrated AI and machine learning capabilities that allow for continuous improvement, adaptation and self-healing. Pivotree is a MACH Alliance Partner.

“Our Supply Chain WMS customers spoke, and we listened. With the launch of our own SaaS-based WMS platform, we will be able to simplify integrations while we seamlessly deliver a functionally rich, scalable, WMS solution,” said Jim Brochu, General Manager, Supply Chain, Pivotree. “By leveraging modern analytics and user experience, our customers achieve over a 20% reduction in labor costs and technology spend over legacy platforms. We’re also partnering with leading AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot) and IoT companies to create an open ecosystem of fulfillment innovators.”

For more information on Pivotree WMS, click here.

Unleash Your Digital DNA

Pivotree Data as a Service (DaaS) enables our clients to take end-to-end control of the information supply chain. We help clients reduce friction in product onboarding and enrichment, and back it up with robust enterprise governance and data stewardship to ensure data integrity across the board. With this foundation, clients can deliver relevant content in a versatile and consistent manner, irrespective of the number of distribution channels and platforms. 

With Pivotree’s DaaS, clients get an end-to-end solution that covers everything from supplier onboarding to digital syndication. We deploy a measured approach leveraging technology and subject matter expertise in equal measures to improve (a) product experience (search & browse), (b) SEO and site tuning, and (c) onboarding, enrichment, and thought leadership. This is how we drive business outcomes: reduced operational costs, accelerated time-to-value, and enhanced conversions and customer loyalty.

Customer Spotlight

Take a few minutes to learn about the exciting work that CAE is doing to enhance and improve the service they provide to their customers. This success story highlights how the global leader in training and operational support solutions in civil aviation, defense and security, and healthcare, launched multiple ecommerce storefronts in record time!

To access the full case study, please click below….

CAE Case Study Cover

You Too Can Share Your Success!

Pivotree is always honoured to highlight the great work of our customers and their employees. We also love to advocate for our customers’ brands and showcase their innovative eCommerce solutions.Would you like to share your success story?

Please contact [email protected] to kick off the process.

Upcoming Events and Webinars


January 15, 2023January 17, 2023

NRF 2023: Retail’s Big Show

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