Can slow page loads and lagging site response time cost you? ‘Yes’ is the simple answer.


If your company is running a SaaS application platform you’re likely experiencing much higher uptimes when compared to legacy on-prem solutions.  If your page load times are slow or they stop working, and other core web vitals aren’t performing, you could be losing money instead of making it. And there may be significant revenue at stake. 


The bottom line impact of optimizing your site may be significant

In a BBC interview with the chief website engineer of U.S.-based luxury department store Nordstrom, online sales dipped a whopping 11 per cent when its website response time slowed by just half a second. When you have total online sales in the region of $6bn, the impact is $660M per year if left unaddressed.

According to Portent, a full services marketing agency, the difference in eCommerce conversion rates between “blazing fast” sites and “modestly quick” sites is sizable. In two separate studies, pre- and post-pandemic they observed a site that loads in 1 second has a conversion rate 3x higher than a site that loads in 5 seconds. 

While your IT team may be aware that your site is up and running, it’s not enough. You need to know if your site is running too slowly and whether any other key web portal metrics are being carefully observed. For this reason it’s more important than ever to monitor customer experience in real time.



Pivotree acts quickly when your customers are experiencing site issues

Pivotree™ Reliability is that proactive e-commerce site monitoring solution. It’s one of our sweet spots. A leading solution in our portfolio of Managed Support Services, Pivotree Reliability allows you to monitor your eCommerce environments and proactively minimize the impact of issues. Our solution tracks performance and experience from  the end user’s perspective, as well as the performance of backend systems. This approach lets us quickly see when your customers are experiencing slower page load times, errors, and slow or unresponsive features on your site. As soon as issues arise, our team of eCommerce experts can begin remediation and identify the root cause to ensure the same issue can never impact your site again.



Consumers want frictionless webstore experiences

Online shoppers want speed, simplicity and reliability. The reality is that a consumer’s experience on any site sets the bar for their next retail engagement; this means you are competing with every online retailer your customers use daily, not just those in your specific industry. 

You can count on Pivotree Reliability to help make your journey to frictionless commerce easier.


About Pivotree

Pivotree, a leader in frictionless commerce, designs, integrates and manages digital platforms in eCommerce, Data Management, and Supply Chain for over 250 major retail and branded manufacturers globally. As a leading delivery experience company, Pivotree leverages platforms and innovative solutions to deliver business-relevant fulfillment solutions, eliminating friction from physical and digital supply chains. 

 Headquartered in Toronto, Canada with offices and customers in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC, Pivotree is widely recognized as a high-growth company and industry leader. For more information, visit



By: Luke Alexander, Product Manager | Digital

Luke Alexander is an eCommerce domain expert with a passion for optimizing the customer experience of online shopping. Luke started his career as a Business Analyst, delivering implementations for leading B2B and B2C brands. He has since transitioned to the role of Product Manager where he is focused on building products and services that address the unmet needs of online businesses.

