Tenzing Announces Ecommerce Managed Services for Amazon Web Services

Apr 17, 2014

UPDATE: Tenzing is now operating as Pivotree, a global commerce and information management services firm.

TORONTO – April 17th, 2014

Brings retailers fully managed ecommerce hosting on global AWS infrastructure.

Tenzing (now Pivotree), a leading provider of managed hosting solutions for mid-sized retailers, today announced it has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to deliver managed hosting on AWS infrastructure. Tenzing will enable retailers to host sites entirely on AWS that are fully managed by Tenzing’s expert team of ecommerce hosting professionals.

“Retailers have been looking for ways to leverage AWS, however they still want a fully managed hosting solution, so we decided to bring our managed services experience to AWS infrastructure and deliver the best of both worlds,” said Brian Shepard, CEO of Tenzing. “Tenzing is one of the first managed hosting providers to embrace AWS as an alternative to traditional hosting.  Most of our competitors see AWS as competition because they are too focused on filling their own datacenters with servers.  This is short-sighted, and ultimately what is best for the customer will prevail.  We believe AWS is part of this future,” said Brian Shepard, CEO of Tenzing.

Tenzing will combine AWS infrastructure as a service and AWS services such as RDS, Elastic Cache, and Elastic Load Balancing to deliver optimized infrastructure for platforms like Oracle Commerce and Magento. Tenzing will also deliver core managed services including monitoring, patching, backups and OS administration and advanced managed services for site optimization, load testing, application performance monitoring and DoS mitigation.

“Some retailers have already made the move to AWS but aren’t happy with a do-it-yourself model and/or are experiencing challenges with optimization,” said Raj Atwal, VP and GM of Ecommerce at Tenzing. “Simply moving e-commerce platforms such as Oracle Commerce and Magento from bare-metal servers to AWS virtual machines does not yield optimal results, and costs can actually be higher than bare-metal for similar performance.  Tenzing has spent over a year testing and optimizing reference architectures to take maximum advantage of specific AWS services and instance types. We have achieved some amazing gains through careful tuning and are ready to bring this capability to the market.”

Tenzing’s AWS offering will address the challenge of meeting retailers’ seasonal peak demand while optimizing the security, reliability and affordability that retailers require.

“Sizing for peak loads is a challenge for many ecommerce sites,” said Keith Gaudreau, VP of Operations at Tenzing. “There is always a trade-off between keeping costs down and making sure customer experiences don’t suffer on peak shopping days.  AWS offers the ability to eliminate this trade-off by doing things like increasing capacity 100 times base load for a few hours on the morning of Cyber Monday but only paying for that extra capacity for a few hours instead of all year long.   Similarly, a disaster recovery site can be remain dormant at almost no cost and then be brought live to full capacity in minutes at a data center in a different geography.  These things are hard to do inexpensively on traditional infrastructure, but very easy to do on AWS.”

Learn more about Tenzing’s (Pivotree’s) managed hosting on AWS.

About Tenzing Managed IT Services

Founded in 1998, Tenzing delivers more than scalable infrastructure, fast networks and great managed services. Tenzing combines deep commerce platform expertise, advanced managed services, and extensive industry partnerships to help merchants increase revenues and deliver remarkable customer experiences. Retailers, SIs and ISVs choose Tenzing because we help them increase SEM performance, reduce shopping cart abandonment rates and ensure performance during peak seasons. Tenzing is SSAE16 Type II, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS and VISA PCI certified with datacenters in the US, Canada and United Kingdom. For moer information see https://www.pivotree.com.

Media Contacts

Dilya Abushayeva, Pivotree
T  1-877-767-5577 x 484
[email protected]