Tenzing Launches New Commerce Acceleration MarketPlace to Help Retailers Grow Online Revenues

Mar 4, 2014

UPDATE: Tenzing is now operating as Pivotree, a global commerce and information management services firm.

TORONTO – March 4th, 2014

Tenzing’s CAMP is designed to help retailers and brand manufacturers influence key metrics like revenue, conversion, abandonment, and average order value through networking with both peers in their industry and with leading-edge proven commerce enablement providers.

Tenzing Managed IT Services, a leading ecommerce hosting and managed service provider, has launched a resource for retailers looking to grow their online revenues called the Commerce Acceleration MarketPlace (CAMP).  Tenzing’s CAMP is designed to help retailers and brand manufacturers influence key metrics like revenue, conversion, abandonment, and average order value through networking with both peers in their industry and with leading-edge, proven commerce enablement providers.

“We have many clients that share a common goal – to increase the revenue on their commerce platform, specifically with their online channel,” said Raj Atwal, Vice President and General Manager of Ecommerce at Tenzing. “We have an ability to help them do this by sharing some of the best practices we see across all of our clients and we can therefore bring real thought leadership to our merchants. When our customers increase revenue and customer loyalty, it is a win for Tenzing as well.” said Mr. Atwal. “Some of our clients need help to determine and to assess the multitude of commerce enabling technologies and services available in the market. Tenzing CAMP will do that for them.”

Commerce enablement partners and providers have responded enthusiastically to the initiative. “Order Management Systems (OMS) is pleased to be one of the launch partners in Tenzing’s Commerce Accelerator Market Place (CAMP)”, said Richard Jenoriki, Director of Sales at Order Management Systems. “We see many clients struggle with the abundance of choices in technologies and services available to them. Tenzing, with their industry knowledge and expertise, is perfectly poised to advise and make strategic recommendations to merchants. OMS and their globally recognized order management and logistics solution, is a very important piece of that Omni-Channel success and solves a critical need that many merchants require in today’s highly competitive Omni-Channel marketplace. With our fully integrated support for leading platforms like Oracle Commerce and Magento as a catalyst and Tenzing’s focus on the same market, we are looking forward to a highly synergistic relationship.”

In a recent engagement, Tenzing was approached by a client who came to seek advice for merchandizing and improving product displays on their Oracle Commerce platform. Tenzing quickly recommended and facilitated an introduction to a company that specializes in video and image merchandizing and had established a proven track record with other clients. “The customer problem was solved quickly and effectively. We short cut the need for researching, shortlisting and finding references for multiple vendors. We recommended a proven partner and our client is reaping the rewards of a shorter path to improving merchandizing on their site and thus driving improvements on conversions and average order values.” said Mr. Atwal

Tenzing’s Director of Marketing Dave Geada further emphasized the importance of the initiative for retailers. “The world of ecommerce is an intimidating place. There are so many options and so many types of integrations that one can quickly get overwhelmed by what’s available. We wanted to create a valuable resource where retailers could explore and quickly leverage best practices and proven technology platforms to drive the best results for their online channel,” he said. “Our teams speak to our clients about this every day, and CAMP is our way of formalizing our industry expertise.”

Tenzing CAMP launches with five commerce enablement partners, with more to be added in the coming months.

About Tenzing Managed IT Services

Founded in 1998, Tenzing delivers more than scalable infrastructure, fast networks and great managed services. Tenzing combines deep commerce platform expertise, advanced managed services, and extensive industry partnerships to help merchants increase revenues and deliver remarkable customer experiences. Retailers, SIs and ISVs choose Tenzing because we help them increase SEM performance, reduce shopping cart abandonment rates and ensure performance during peak seasons. Tenzing is SSAE16 Type II, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS and VISA PCI certified with datacenters in the US, Canada and United Kingdom.

About Order Management Systems

Order Management Systems (OMS) is a technology company providing order management platforms and warehousing solutions designed to meet each online retailer’s specific customer service and distribution needs. By centralizing all sales channels in one system, increasing customer satisfaction, and streamlining inventory management, it is easy to see why hundreds of global retailers choose Order Management Systems LLC as a trusted extension of their business. For more information, visit: www.ordermanagementsystems.com.