SAP Commerce Cloud recently launched Release 2011, which focused on agility and speed. As a proud SAP Commerce partner, Pivotree provides the expertise you need to keep pace with the platform and your customers’ demands.

SAP Commerce Cloud is a robust, agile commerce hub designed with best-in-class scalability, flexibility, and performance. So, what’s in Release 2011? Here’s our recap on key features and updates.

(Want to compare your current version of SAP Commerce to a more recent release? Visit our SAP Commerce Upgrades Page for a personalized comparison) 


Commerce OCC APIs

With new Commerce Omni Commerce Connect (OCC) APIs for B2C and B2B, you can create a flexible headless commerce system. This is done by decoupling your front-end storefront from your back-end platform. The feature allows for multiple commerce touchpoints to make requests to the back-end through API calls. 

Some new OCC features for Release 2011 include:

Configurable Bundles OCC APIs: Bundling increases profits and helps you control inventory by exposing slow-selling products. With the update, you can define specific pricing for products that are sold together, provide customers with prepackaged bundles, or help them build bundles of their own. 

Cart Validation OCC APIs:  By validating the shoppers’ cart at an early stage, you can improve the checkout experience. The update allows you to show validation errors before moving on to the checkout page, use validation hooks to customize cart validation behavior, and ensure customers are aware of auto-corrections made to cart entries.

API Endpoint Deactivation:  With real-time endpoint deactivation, you can easily substitute custom APIs for existing endpoints. Release 2011 allows you to disable or enable API endpoints without a restart, use custom API endpoints in place of out-of-the-box APIs, and disable APIs not used by your commerce system.

OCC AddOn Converter:  With a command-line interface tool, you can now convert your OCC AddOns to OCC Extensions. 


Backoffice Framework

The Backoffice Framework fully leverages SAP Commerce Cloud functionality to streamline business tools and UI development. Enhancements in the new version help improve business user productivity by simplifying manual tasks. New features in Release 2011 include:

  • Password Change
  • Enabled ytestid
  • Setting the Delimiter for CSV Export
  • Classification Features
  • Filtering in Dynamic Nodes
  • Filtering Data with Advanced Search
  • Bulk Editing
  • Classification Metadata


Context-Driven Services Integration

In Release 2011, new Context-Drive Services integration features help offer a better customer experience with real-time personalization and increased conversions.

Event Layer:  A storefront can now push events to an Event Layer, and Profile Tag can react to it. You can use it to manage consent settings or send Data Collections.

Dynamic Affinities:  This shows an accurate depiction of user preferences. Context-Driven Services has revised the manner in which it collects, stores, calculates, and maintains customers’ affinities. They now decay over time if the user fails to show interest and additional events influence affinity scores.

Recommendations:  The service now offers machine learning-powered recommendations that allow you to promote alternative products to visitors. Displayed products will predict the next item visitors are likely to view based on interactions with other users. 


SAP Commerce Extensibility

In Release 2011, new Extensibility features with Integration APIs and Runtime Data Modeling provide an additional layer of agility, speeding implementations with cloud-native extensibility.  

Users can now easily expose Integration APIs to Kyma runtime, the extensibility platform of SAP Commerce. This platform allows customers to extend standard SAP Commerce functions using microservices without compromising upgradability.


Integration APIs

Integration APIs allow administrators and consumers to dynamically configure OData V2 services, which allow you to load, retrieve, and push data from SAP Commerce. In Release 2011, enhancements add speed to end-to-end integrations.

Virtual Attributes:  With Virtual Integration Object Attributes, you can now allow additional runtime configuration beyond current availability without restarting SAP Commerce. Virtual Attributes are used for Data Formatting, Payload Flattening, and Payload Enrichment.

Webhooks:  With the new release, Webhooks now supports filtering data through dynamic script creation, retrying 5xx errors after a 10-second interval, and monitoring by capturing each request in log results.

Enhanced Security:  New default authentication and authorization modes are available with the new release. 

  • Authentication – Administrators must specify the Authentication mode (BASIC or OAuth2), as Integration Objects aren’t automatically exposed as APIs by default.
  • Authorization – Type Access Rights allow administrators to restrict access to the create, read, update, and remove options.


Search and Navigation

The new release features Adaptive Search Grouping. With this feature, you can configure groupings at the category level to combine products on your site, facilitating more intuitive search experiences for customers. 

Instead of treating each product and its variants as separate products, you can now group variants to display in a category. This creates a user experience that demands fewer clicks to view a greater number of search results.


Is SAP Commerce Cloud Release 2011 Right for You?

With the wide array of exciting new features and enhancements in Release 2011, SAP Commerce Cloud makes an already robust commerce solution more agile and engaging.

But is it the right version for you? We have the details you need to explore your options. 

Visit Pivotree’s SAP Commerce Comparison to receive a personalized summary of the advantages you’ll gain by upgrading from your current SAP Commerce version to a more recent release on the SAP Cloud.