New IT technologies have completely changed the way people shop in the 21st century. Internet and mobile devices have made it possible to purchase products or services at any time and in any location. As a result, a tremendous number of e-commerce websites appeared on the world wide web and continue to compete with each other.

In order to win that competition, make sure that your e-commerce website is able to provide an excellent customer experience. There is no magic formula for a successful e-commerce business. However, there are some major elements of an eCommerce website that you must pay attention to. In this blog post we will talk about elements of the ‘product description’ page that are important in order to increase your website’s compatibility and customer satisfaction.



As online shoppers usually don’t have access to the real product, the visual appearance of what you sell online is extremely important. Imagine that you are buying a dress via an e-commerce website. In a real store you would be able to touch the material it’s made of, try it on to make sure it looks good and that it matches the color of your shoes, etc.

None of those actions can be accomplished online. But what e-stores can use are pictures that are supposed to convince the customer of specific goods.

Below is a list of features of images that would appeal to online shoppers:

– high-quality pictures that show the product and also allow for zooming in/out for clear visibility of details;
– a few pictures of the product (usually one is not enough) showcasing it from different angles;
– pictures of a real product. You don’t want customers to return it because what they saw online doesn’t match what was delivered;
– right background. For instance, if the item you are selling has a dark color, the background color should be light. The contrast between the product and background makes its contours clear;
– if you are using models for pictures, they should look neat and healthy. People buying the item will unconsciously associate themselves with those who are in the picture;
– images of the product in all colors offered;