Many Magento users have a big decision to make. As of June 2020, the e-commerce platform no longer supports version 1. So, affected companies now have three options: 

  1. Remain on an unsupported version (likely Magento 1.9)
  2. Migrate to Magento 2.3
  3. Switch to a different commerce platform

If you’re leaning toward transitioning to Magento 2, you may want to reconsider. Let’s look at why a Magento migration may not be the right move (and what you can do instead).


First, Do You Even Need to Migrate?

At this point, you’ve been running an unsupported version of Magento for over a year. And, for the most part, you’ve had smooth operations. Do you really need to migrate to version 2.3?

In short, yes. Remaining on a platform after its end of life is extremely risky. Without access to the latest security features and patches, your site is vulnerable to data breaches and hacks. That lack of security leads to revenue loss, poor consumer trust, and even fines and lawsuits. Plus, outdated software without the latest features and capabilities puts you behind the competition.  


5 Reasons to Reconsider a Magento 2.3 Migration

Now that the sun has set on version 1, it’s time to make a move.  

Migrating to Magento 2.3 may seem like the obvious choice. The updated platform is faster and includes a few more bells and whistles, like an improved admin interface and better mobile responsiveness. 

But the choice is not that simple. Here are five reasons why you may want to reconsider your options.


  1. It’s not a simple migration.

Migrating to Magento 2.3 isn’t really a system upgrade. It’s more like a full re-platforming. Among developers, the migration to Magento 2 has a reputation of being complex and challenging. One of the primary issues is that your theme and extensions from Magento 1 won’t transfer to the new version.

Your development team (either in-house or external) will need to investigate every extension on your existing platform to decide which ones you’ll need on version 2. Then, they’ll need to either re-create the extensions or purchase them. Additionally, any customizations you made to your Magento 1 theme won’t migrate, so your team will need to redesign the theme for Magento 2.

  1. Magento 2.3 is costly.

The process of migrating all your data and images from your current platform isn’t quick or easy. To get the best results on your Magento 2 migration, you typically need experienced Magento developers.

For many companies, the cost of utilizing a development team can be prohibitive. That’s on top of the license for Magento 2, which costs over $20,000. 

When you add up maintenance, hosting fees, and the typical expenses of building and running Magento 2, many companies find themselves priced out.

  1. The migration is time-consuming.

If you’re looking for the easiest, fastest solution that won’t limit your resources for other projects, you’ll likely want to explore a different platform. Why? Well, the extensive process of migrating — along with all the development resources needed to customize the platform and test for functionality — means the migration won’t be a quick fix. 

A Magento migration can take anywhere from 3-6 months. If you’re facing a deadline to get the platform up and running before the next peak season or holiday, you may run out of time.

  1. The next migration is inevitable. 

All technology platforms periodically release new versions. Migrations and upgrades aren’t anything new, but you can ease your future burden by choosing a more flexible solution now.

Magento is a monolithic platform, so its migrations can be complex, costly, and time-consuming (see reasons 1 through 3). Other more agile platforms allow users to upgrade quickly and with less expense or downtime. 

  1. Another platform might work better for your business.

If you’re going to consider a lengthy project akin to re-platforming, you should also explore the other platform options. Since you last implemented your platform, the e-commerce landscape — and existing technology— has drastically changed.

The pandemic altered shopping habits, and now consumers expect much less friction in their buying experiences. According to Wired, “If you aren’t reducing friction in every part of your business, you will soon be done.”

Now is the time to ensure you have a flexible e-commerce platform. So, when you discover possible solutions to remove friction (internally and externally), you can quickly and easily deploy them. 


What are the Best Alternatives? 

The market is full of reputable commerce platforms. Some are monolithic, while others are more lightweight, utilizing microservices and third-party integrations. So, how do you choose? 

First, to stay ahead of the competition, companies need to select a platform that enables the frictionless experiences consumers crave. 

With agile commerce platforms, companies can more easily implement ideas like:

  • unified commerce (where you achieve a single view of customer behaviors across channels), or
  • composable commerce (where you assemble best-in-breed commerce components to form a stack that meets your exact requirements). 

These concepts are gaining steam as businesses prioritize adaptability. In fact, Gartner predicts, “By 2023, organizations that have adopted a composable commerce approach will outpace the competition by 80% in the speed of new feature implementation.”


Tips for Choosing the Right Migration Strategy

If you’re currently running Magento 1, it’s time to weigh your options. But there are experts who can help.

Pivotree’s Frictionless Commerce Advisory Services are designed for brands who want to remove friction from their customer experience by using the right technology and strategy for each company’s unique needs. We’ve created a methodology based on years of experience in helping leading brands in eCommerce, and we want to offer you a free 1-hour consultation. Request your free 1-hour consultation with one of our Frictionless Commerce Advisory Services now.

To learn more, contact us.