Flexibility is an asset that too few online retailers consider when they are evaluating hosting for eCommerce options. But when you rely on an inflexible solution, it negatively affects your ability to manage your online store and compromises the customer experience. In the ever-evolving world of online commerce, you need a flexible solution that can change as fast as the environment around you. Keep these variables in mind as you search for an eCommerce hosting provider:

1. Speed

Ensuring that your site loads as quickly as possible isn’t just important for the customer experience; it also affects your search engine ranking. Your eCommerce hosting provider must be able to offer flexible solutions for improving speeds that also remove common performance bottlenecks.

2. Scale

All sites hope to grow, but sometimes this growth happens so quickly and unexpectedly that online merchants have to scramble to scale up their capacity. When you work with a provider that offers scalable hosting for eCommerce, you can multiply your capabilities at a moment’s notice and within a predictable cost structure.

3. Security

Online security threats become more sophisticated, ubiquitous, and devastating every week. Staying one step ahead of the threats that are trying to comprise your business and your customers depends on having a flexible and effective network of defenses.

4. Cost

The problem with inflexible hosting for eCommerce is that you often have to pay exorbitant amounts to make minor changes. When your provider makes it easy to shift and evolve according to your exact needs and with a minimal amount of hassle, you can pay just for the services you absolutely need.

5. Consumer Choice

If the demands from your customers begin to change, your online store has to change with them. It’s never easy to predict the kinds of products, services, and web-based technologies that customers will clamor for in a year or two, but when that change happens, you want to have the flexibility to adapt to the new market.

Don’t work with any provider offering hosting for eCommerce that doesn’t prioritize flexibility as much as you do. Find out how many options you really have by contacting the team at Pivotree.